My review of the premier of Animistic Beliefs + Jeisson Drenth’s new performance collaboration at Muzeikgebouw Amsterdam published in Cyclic Defrost.
Animistic Beliefs + Jeisson Drenth, “Thức Tỉnh”, Muziekgebouw, Amsterdam, 10 January 2025. Photo: Sabine van Nistelrooij. |
Early in the new year, FIBER and The Rest Is Noise premiered a new
multimedia collaboration by electronic music duo Animistic Beliefs and
media artist Jeisson Drenth. On Friday 10 January, Thúrc Tinh was welcomed by enthusiastic supporters at Amsterdam’s landmark concert hall complex, Muzeikgebouw.
As the theatre lights dim, I hear forests sounds: birds, wind in trees,
water bubbling over rocks. A masked figure emerges from the wings to the
sound of a thudding drum. Dressed in black, the figure crouches and
scurries tentatively across the stage as the rhythm picks up, punctuated
with rasping growls. The creature grasps a pail and a large brush as a
wide screen over the stage fades in to project a view from above,
framing a long white sheet on the floor. As the rhythm becomes more
complex, Linh Luu, part of the duo Animistic Beliefs, begins to write a
calligraphic script on the floor in wide performative gestures. On the
screen above, subtitles provide a translation in English as each
pictograph word is inked: Trauma, Discovery, Ancestry, Growth. When the
script is complete two costumed assistants appear at the side of the
stage to bring the sheet up to the wall, stage left, where it hangs as a
banner overseeing the rest of the performance.
Read the full article here.